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The Parish Church of St Laurence, Alvechurch

Every week our church meets for worship so that we can celebrate God’s goodness and generosity to us. In our mission and ministry we seek to be an offering of that same generosity to those we serve in the parish of Alvechurch and beyond.

In order to sustain our worship and ministry for people of all ages, we rely on the generous contribution of time, talents and money from all those who are part of the church.

Funding Ministry

It is worshippers themselves, however, who must take responsibility for the costs of the ministry and mission of the parish.


As a parish we get no national or local government financial support and are responsible for meeting all our costs.


Our income covers the day to running of the church and churchyard, our mission share to the Diocese which covers the cost of our vicar and the many aspects of our mission and ministry. 


Our total costs for worship, ministry and mission are about ???? a week.


The cost of a coffee...


We buy a cup of coffee from a coffee shop without thinking of the cost, if that coffee costs £2.25 and you brought one every week over the year that is £117.00.

If ten people gave that £2.25 to support the mission and ministry of the church that would be an extra £1,117.00 every year for our general fund. 

Could you give £2.25 per week to support your church?


What are we asking you to do?

We’re asking you to think and pray about your giving… 


If you don’t give to the church at present, we’d encourage you to think about starting to give 


  • Please consider the planned giving scheme? This is easy to set up and helps us plan throughout the year as we know how much money we will receive each month. It is also easier for us to claim for Gift Aid through the planned giving scheme.


       Could you give on a regular basis via standing order through the parish giving scheme?

  • If you give money at church services and you are a tax-payer, please put your donation in a blue envelope and fill out the details each time as we can then claim gift aid on your donation

  • For those who already give… We recognise that people’s financial circumstances can change.


       Does your giving reflect your current situation, or does it need to be reviewed? 

  • Are you able to support with a one off donation? Information below will guide you through how to do this.

  • Did you know you can leave a legacy as gift to the church in your will? You can find more about how to set this up HERE.


We recognise that all our circumstances are different, and what’s right will be different for each of us 

Why Give?


Jesus reminds us "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Our attitude to giving shapes who we are as a community of faith. Just as God generously gave himself to us through Christ, we are called to generously give of ourselves to continue this mission that Jesus proclaimed in his life. Regular giving to your church is a spiritual practice. When we give of our material resources to support the life and work of the Church, then we are, in a real way, declaring the Good News of abundant life. We are testifying with our resources to a vision of the world that is not self-serving, but deeply concerned with the life and well-being of others.


How to give?


To set up a planned giving scheme, CONTACT US

Or email with your name and telephone number,

and our church treasurer will contact you

For advice on how to set up a legacy gift please email the same email as above and our treasurer will contact you. 

For a one-off donation you can make a  quick and simple text message -

Text "STLALVECHURCH 5" to 70085 to donate £5

Texts cost £5 plus one standard rate message


Text "STLALVECHURCH 10" to 70085 to donate £10

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message


Text "STLALVECHURCH 20" to 70085 to donate £20

Texts cost £20 plus one standard rate message


Or just scan this QR code with your mobile phone to make a donation or click on the image.



Priest in Charge: Reverend Gail Rogers

Michael Fletcher
Graham Clark


Safeguarding Officer: Sue Watkins

Assistant Safeguarding Officer: Sue Lambert

Alvechurch PCC

Registered charity number 1131783

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School Lane, Alvechurch


B48 7SB

Tel: 0121 447 7955


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