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Places of Welcome starting July 2022

Wednesdays 10:30am -12pm

St Laurence Church and The Ark

Places of Welcome is a network of safe places where people can connect, belong and contribute.

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What is Places of Welcome?

St Laurence Church and The Ark belongs to a growing network of Places of Welcome nationally. These are run by community groups who want to make sure everyone has a place to go for conversation and a cup of tea if and when they need it.


All Places of Welcome are open to everyone and offer:

          • Friendship and hospitality;

          • Regular opening at the same time each week;

          • Free refreshments (donations welcome);

          • Local knowledge about the neighbourhood.

Visit for more information

Meet Our Volunteers
This section is currently under construction


Priest in Charge: Reverend Gail Rogers

Michael Fletcher
Graham Clark


Safeguarding Officer: Sue Watkins

Assistant Safeguarding Officer: Sue Lambert

Alvechurch PCC

Registered charity number 1131783

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School Lane, Alvechurch


B48 7SB

Tel: 0121 447 7955


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