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Christmas Day Community Lunch

St Laurence Church and The Ark

We are excited to share that we will be hosting a Christmas Day Community Lunch. What started off as quiet conversations in November 2022 has led to community support to make this a reality.

Come and join us for Christmas Day lunch!

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Christmas Day Community Lunch

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Our first Christmas Day Community Lunch saw 60 people gather together for a lovely afternoon of food, friendship and conversation. With thanks to gift donation from Belmont Home we had a special guest delivering a present to every one in attendance. 

Some people knew each other but most of us were meeting for the first time. The food was delicious and company outstanding. We look forward to doing it again in 2024. 

This event wouldn't have been possible without the generosity of local people, people who gave up their time on Christmas Day, a huge gift to those of us who gathered.

To everyone who volunteered, from decorating the tree, laying the tables, pealing sprouts and other vegetables, cooking, cleaning, serving. Picking people up and dropping them off  we send huge thanks. This really was a wonderful community event!


Priest in Charge: Reverend Gail Rogers

Michael Fletcher
Graham Clark


Safeguarding Officer: Sue Watkins

Assistant Safeguarding Officer: Sue Lambert

Alvechurch PCC

Registered charity number 1131783

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School Lane, Alvechurch


B48 7SB

Tel: 0121 447 7955


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