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St Laurence Church, 

A flourishing

and welcoming

community of all ages

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Sunday 29th October
There will be no service at St Laurence Church today, instead we are gathering at St Leonard's, Beoley at 10.30am. Come and join us there!

Traditional Worship


We extend a warm welcome to everyone who comes to St Laurence Church, and especially to anyone who is visiting or worshipping with us for the first time. We trust you will experience God's presence and peace during your time with us. You are welcome to come as you are, but if you would like to talk to us about anything before you visit, please don't hesitate to CONTACT US.


Worship is at the heart of our life together and we are fortunate to have large team of worship leaders of ordained, lay minister's and authorised worship leaders. This means that the leading of worship is an important part of us being a collaborative team. 

In our 11.15am Traditional Worship we use Common Worship liturgy and we have a robed choir. We sing hymns from Complete Anglican: Hymns Old and New. Each week before our service the bells are rung calling us to worship. 

Over each month we offer a Celebration of Holy Communion twice and Morning Prayer twice. 

Here is our pattern of monthly worship: (please note that on occasion this pattern may change, for our most up to date weekly services please see our News and Events page or our Facebook Page)

1st Sunday 

11:15 am Morning Prayer with hymns

2nd Sunday 

11:15 am A Celebration of Holy Communion

3rd Sunday

11:15 am Morning Prayer with hymns

4th Sunday

11:15 am A Celebration of Holy Communion

5th Sunday

10.30am United Worship with Ark Time

For more information about Ark Time see HERE



Priest in Charge: Reverend Gail Rogers

Michael Fletcher
Graham Clark


Safeguarding Officer: Sue Watkins

Assistant Safeguarding Officer: Sue Lambert

Alvechurch PCC

Registered charity number 1131783

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School Lane, Alvechurch


B48 7SB

Tel: 0121 447 7955


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